Andrea Garcia
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Company Name
Andrea Garcia Realty
Business Description
I partner with Attorneys, Corporate Trustees and Fiduciaries to aid in the sell of real property due to divorce, dealth and incapacitation of the excecutor.
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Areas where we provide service
All of Arizona
What size practice is ideal for you to serve?
1-10 employees
Who do you normally interact with providing your service?
Individual Attorneys/AssociatesBusiness Manager / Firm Administrator
Our team acts as an extension of you, your team and client's. Whether you or your client are acting in the capacity of Personal Representative, Guardian, Conservator or Trustee, we have the resources to guide you and your client's through that downsizing/rightsizing process by providing options and solutions to aid in making an informed decision. We often provide professionals BPOs/CMAs for date of death values, current market values or date of appointment values. We can also provide the same for rental properties if needed. We understand that tax season will require additional information. For this reason, count on us as your resource to also provide the date the real estate was purchased along with the amount it was purchased for.
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